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Wannes Leirs





Přírodovědecká fakulta

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Wannes je k dispozici na sítích:


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rok výjezdu:

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Přírodovědecká fakulta


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Osnabrück University / UFZ Leipzig

praktická stáž

studijní pobyt

Jak Wannes hodnotí svůj pobyt?


průměrné hodnocení je 5 z 5


průměrné hodnocení je 4 z 5


průměrné hodnocení je 4 z 5

finanční náročnost

průměrné hodnocení je 4 z 5

o univerzitě

Čím byla tvá univerzita výjimečná? Jak vypadaly prostory ve kterých jsi studoval(a) a univerzitní vybavení? 
Osnabrück University: Nice and flexible

UFZ Leipzig: Great working environment with a lot of talented people
Co tě první napadne, když pomyslíš na svou "adoptivní" univerzitu. Čím byla výjimečná? Jak vypadaly prostory ve kterých jsi studoval(a) a univerzitní vybavení? 
There were a many students coming and going. Some were from Germany, some from different countries. Some were PhD students, some were master or even bachelor students. Some were there long-term, some were there only for a few months.
Jak vypadá studentský život na univerzitě? 
Honestly, I didn't really bother looking into that. I had some friends in the office in Leipzig which was enough.
Languagewise, English was more than enough to get by. And as someone who has lived in Belgium, Denmark and Czechia, the German culture wasn't very surprising. The local history was of course interesting but I got all of that by visiting the various museums around the city.
Studoval(a) jsi v angličtině, nebo v jazyce hostitelské země? Jaké požadavky jsou v oblasti jazyka kladeny univerzitou? 
My English is excellent and so is the English of all people working in the academic sector over there. When interacting with people outside of the University, English sometimes was slightly harder for them but I have a basic understanding of German so I could get by.

o městě

Jak na tebe město působilo? Jak byste jej charakterizoval/a? Co je zde zajímavého k vidění?
I loved being able to go to work by bicycle once again, something I really miss here in Prague. The city itself felt very vibrant and, lacking a better word, young, with a lot of children around. It was clear to see that the city was growing and restoring, while not all of the scars from the past were completely healed yet.

o financích

Jak lze podle Tvojí zkušenosti vyjít se stipendiem? Kolik procent výdajů Vám pokrylo? Jaký je Váš názor na ceny v zemi obecně?
I spend about 3/5 of my scholarship each month on accomodation, and the remaining 2/5 was enough to compensate for the slightly increased prices of food and general living over there compared to in Prague.
Poraď prosím spolužákům, jak ušetřit - Kde nakupovat? Jaké služby lze v rámci úspory financí využívat? 
Put in the work to find a good but cheap appartment. Seriously. That is by far the biggest cost.
Food you have to buy anyway, whether you are in Czechia or in another country, so don't be bothered by that cost too much.
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o ubytování

Jaké ubytování sis zvolil(a)? Doporučil(a) bys jej ostatním? A pokud ne, jaká varianta ubytování je podle Tvých zkušeností nejlepší (kolej, ubytování v soukromém bytě, soukromá kolej, sdílený pokoj a podobně...)?
I stayed in two different cohoused appartments. At first at a place I had found online, and after that I moved in with a friend from the institution.
For me that was perfect, but I can imagine that someone who goes on Erasmus with the express purpose of being social and meeting a lot of people might prefer to go for a dormitory instead.

o zážitcích

Využil(a) jsi Erasmu k cestování po tvé zemi/Evropě? Jaké jsou tvoje nejlepší cestovatelské zážitky? Co naopak nedoporučuješ?
I was there in the period of the 9 euro ticket, whereby you could buy a month long ticket for the regional transport for just 9 euros. This really gave you a lot of freedom regarding public transport, making it practically free after a single very cheap payment at the start of the month. My favorite experience with that was a random Sunday afternoon where I just wanted to sit and read a bit, but also wanted to do something. So I decided to hop on the train from Leipzig to Berlin, spend 3 nice hours reading a book after which I took a look through the capital and past all big landmarks. Then I hopped back on the train and spent another 3 hours engrossed in my book. My only expenses that day were the 15 euros I spent on lunch and a coffee.
Jazyk a kultura: jakých kulturních odlišností jste si všiml/a? Jak jste se vypořádával/a s národním jazykem? Byl to i jazyk vašeho studia? Máte pocit, že jste se v jazyce díky pobytu posunul/a?
My English is excellent and so is the English of all people working in the academic sector over there. When interacting with people outside of the University, English sometimes was slightly harder for them but I have a basic understanding of German so I could get by.

závěrečné hodnocení

Proč právě sem?  V čem je lokalita výjimečná? Proč bys své kamarády do své země/ města poslal/a ty?
Getting to work with the right people.

live-saving tips

Kdybych jel(a) znovu, určitě bych si nezapomněl(a) zabalit..
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Před odjezdem bych býval(a) rád(a) věděl(a), že...
Nejvíc mě překvapilo, že...
The amount of paperwork and administration.
Nejtěžší pro mě bylo....
Getting through all the administration without a clear path to follow, different sources telling me different things, different offices requiring different (or the same) documents.
And then when trying to prolong my Erasmus they asked me to come into the office at Prague to sign the required paperwork... While I was trying to prolong my Erasmus... While I was living in another country... Only after I myself suggested doing it over email it was suddenly an option. This should definitely be the first option suggested by the office.


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