Čím byla tvá univerzita výjimečná? Jak vypadaly prostory ve kterých jsi studoval(a) a univerzitní vybavení?
About the equiment: I am a theoretical physicist, so I just need a computer and a desk. This looks pretty much like everywhere.
The institute is at the Cantoblanco campus, which is a little bit outside of Madrid. A train connection ("Cercanias", comparable to Metro) is available and brings you there. The campus is quite green, the buildings are in the style of the 70s. People at the Institute were really friendly and welcoming and everyone helped me if there was something to resolve. Also, I enjoyed working with my colleagues.
Co tě první napadne, když pomyslíš na svou "adoptivní" univerzitu. Čím byla výjimečná? Jak vypadaly prostory ve kterých jsi studoval(a) a univerzitní vybavení?
I definitely would recommend the place to other interns. I was an intern as a research assistant / PhD student, as a part of my PhD project here in Prague (voluntary stay). My position as an intern was just normal like you would expect an intern / guest in science institutes. The entire team was very nice, welcoming and helpful and enjoyed working with them.
Jak vypadá studentský život na univerzitě?
Studoval(a) jsi v angličtině, nebo v jazyce hostitelské země? Jaké požadavky jsou v oblasti jazyka kladeny univerzitou?
The work in science in general as well as at the institute in particular is in English. I also speak Spanish, so that would have not been a problem as well. In Spain, it is generally recommendable to speak a bit of the language.